WFAA: September 9 - November 11
Opening Reception July 31, 2023
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
perfomance by the Wichita Falls Ballet Theatre
Closing Reception November 9, 2023
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
performance by Zavala Folklórico
The Arts Council WF is proud to host the annual Wichita Falls Art Association Membership exhibit each year at the Kemp Center for the Arts. The WF Art Association is a member organization of the Arts Council WF. Entry into the juried show is open to all members of their organization.
Best of Show $400
First Place $300
Second Place $200
Third Place $100
Honorable Mention at the juror’s discretion
Theme: The Art of The Dance
Juror: Kathy Wood, Houston, TX. Kathy is a fiber artist, past teacher, costume designer, and choreographer. She had a hip hop dance troupe, Fly Kids for more than two decades.
The West End Gallery is on the first floor of The Kemp Center building located at 1300 Lamar, Wichita Falls, TX 76301. Call for further information: 940-767-2787 ext 202 or emailprogramming@artscouncilwf.org.