Refined White Flour: May 28-July 31
“Refined White Flour” uses satire in a TASTELESS examination of systemic racism. We expect this work to trigger Defensiveness and White Fragility in some viewers, but we hope to inspire the audience to reflect on their own experiences as the beneficiaries of privilege, cultural appropriation/erasure, and inherent bias so that we can then work toward justice, respect, and community.
Click the statement below to follow production on Instagram!
Video Cameras and Wheat products will be in use in the gallery as part of the artmaking process.
Masks are required.
30% of any sales will be donated by the artists to the Youth Opportunity Center. You can donate directly to the YOC Venmo: @YOCnow
The West End Studio is on the first floor of The Kemp Center building located at 1300 Lamar, Wichita Falls, TX 76301. Call for further information: 940-767-2787 or email galleries@artscouncilwf.org.