Paula Savage: June 18 - September 3
Paula Savage is a Wichita Falls artist working with digital images. She begins with her photographs and then manipulates them using computer and tablet apps. A retired graphic designer, she brings a narrative focus to her fantasy pieces, creating whimsical and wonderful worlds all her own.
"My subject matter is mostly nature, whether its landscapes, animals, birds, flowers or what nature is reclaiming. Sometimes my art takes a whimsical turn and re-imagines nature. Digital photography is my medium, Photoshop and other imaging programs are my tools along with that little voice in my head that says— 'wouldn’t it be interesting if . . ..'" ~Paula Savage
The Galleria is in the Forum building located at 2120 Speedway, Wichita Falls, TX 76308. Call for further information: 940-766-3347 or email galleries@artscouncilwf.org.