Anthony Campos: April 14 - June 10

Join us for the Artists' Reception open to the public:

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM


Kings and Queens

Anthony David Campos was born in Los Angeles, California, but moved to Wichita Falls, Texas in 2021. In 1994, he began expressing himself through art. Although he showed early talent, he didn’t really explore the arts and hone his skill until 2016. Since then, he’s been pursuing it passionately. The medium he prefers is oil paints and he uses different techniques, such as glazing and wet-on-wet to create his images. Anthony is a creative, self-taught painter who matured his craft by watching others who have inspired him, especially his mother. He’s learned from and has been influenced by the paintings of Robert Peterson, an artist based out in Lawton, OK, as well as Monica Ikegwu, Floyd Strickland, and Kahinde Wiley.

Anthony’s “KINGS & QUEENS” exhibition is a reflection of his appreciation for the individuals in Wichita Falls who have guided, encouraged, and helped shape him.  He is deeply grateful to these individuals for their trust and belief in him. He feels that the support they have given to the community is admirable and shouldn’t go unnoticed.  Each portrait includes a flower that is unique to the individual and has its own significance, but all the flowers symbolize the growth that these relationships have brought forth.

“I’m passionate about spreading messages to the world that will uplift humankind to spread love, unity, kindness, care, ambition and positivity and I believe one ultimate way to do that is to show it through yourself first, one person at a time, either through our work or daily positive habits, morals, and values. Working collectively, interdependently, and unselfishly will always be a way forward. My goal is to make a huge impact on every person’s life I come across. May that impact create a smile.”   ~Anthony Campos

The West End Studio is on the first floor of The Kemp Center building located at 1300 Lamar, Wichita Falls, TX 76301.  Call for further information: 940 767-2787 ex 202 or email